I ran out of toilet paper

Have you ever let yourself run slap out of toilet paper? I'm sitting on the toilet last night and yell for toilet paper. I hear a yell back-there is none! "Not even in the other bathroom?", I yell. I hear back; "nope". OMG! What can I do? There was no Kleenex either!
I look over in the trash can beside me to see if there was maybe some half-way clean paper that I blew my nose on and it could be recycled for a wipe. (I know, disgusting-but so is this whole story) There wasn't any that could be salvaged.

I think; "cotton balls?"

No those wouldn't get the job done. "What about the empty cardboard roll?" Naaah...
Finally I decided on the hand towel. Luckily this was only number 1 and not number 2.
Mental note: Add TP to the grocery store list.


ShanaM said…
I have been there!!!
I have poured water over then used a towel.
Put an extra roll in a different cupboard for emergencies!!

I left an award for you over at my blog! Hugs!
Nana said…
Been There. Done That. I liked your note on the roll. That is exactly how you feel. What are you going to do use your blouse? Too Funny!
nikkicrumpet said…
LOL I may run out of the stuff close at hand...but I buy those big huge giant packages of 24 rolls...and I buy them often enough that there are plenty laying around just in case. And I'm glad it was only #1 lol
ShanaM said…
I can do the tongue thing!!

My darling daughter even waited for me to get the camera out so I could take her picture! Then says, "oh MOOOOOM" when I told her I blogged about it. She likes the attention!!
Whit said…
Okay so this happens quite often in the Davis home. Justin hadd to get up early one morning this week and go get some. Luckily we always have baby wipes around ;)

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