Happy Wii Year!

I'm sorry I've been gone so long. It's been a hectic week. Christmas was wonderful. I got a Wii-fit. Is someone trying to tell me something? It told me my Wii-fit age is 58. Wow. I guess I'll just go ahead and die now. Screw new year resolutions! I don't have a whole year left anyway.

Seriously, I tried to come up with some resolutions, but I can't think of anything. Maybe I'll try to floss more regularly or something....

Tell me some of your resolutions. Lose weight? Exercise more? Spend more time with kids?
Let me know...I'm interested....no really I am!

I promise to write more later. I just wanted to post something asap so you wouldn't think I was dead (yet) because according to the Wii-fit I'm not only Wii-fat, I'm Wii-old!


Anonymous said…
Aww hon. I love you no matter how Wii-old or Wii-big you are.
(By the way everyone, she's tiny, she just has wide angled vision and thinks she's bigger than she is. Not unlike a small dog that thinks it's big and ferocious)
MelMel said…
Happy New Year!
Thank you for the lovely comment!xx
Anonymous said…
I don't have true "resolutions", but I would like to work on FOCUSING more. I'm a bit of a scatterbrain....
Farnnay said…
Maybe your new years resolution should be to post more!!

I dont have any. Never did, and never will.
Unknown said…
My wii fit put me at 78 at first so don't feel bad. I'm hitting the senior citizen discount the next time around.

After a couple of weeks, I was moving to 52. I have had a wii break due to the holidays so I can only imagine how old I am now.

Resolutions? Not this girl! Life style changes, maybe but no resolutions.

Happy New Year.
Jill said…
Omg... if it gave you that age I dare not step foot on a wii fit! I would probably wind up throwing it out the window.. :)

Thanks for stopping by... I'm following ya now.. feel free to do the same :)
Luna said…
The same thing happened to my sister-in-law. I think it must have a bit of a glitch or something....lol. My goal this year is to write that novel--finally. After that, I want to get back in shape and start living healthier.

Happy New Year!!!

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