Random Thoughts...

Today is Sunday that means tomorrow is Monday. Oh No! Not already! I need one more day to rest. I believe I'm suffering from a sugar-hangover.
I actually have a clean house (still). I straightened this morning and I'm washing sheets.(Yes, I see the folded towels behind my head, don't worry I'm about to put them away.)

I put the dog outside and vacuumed all of her hair off of the couch and floor. I can actually breathe now.
I love her, but she's killing me.
Hair....Hair....and....More Hair!@#*!

The cat got a collar. It had a bell on it but it was driving her and me crazy so I broke the bell off. Now she's quiet and sneaky again. I cleaned her hair off the back of my couch and the ottoman. I can't put her outside because she will run away and come back pregnant.

I want to take a nap but my son has to be at wrestling practice at 2pm and it's 15 minutes away. It's 12:15 right now, I might could squeeze in a short nap if I will get off of this computer and stop blogging.
Yeah-take down! Got to get that scholarship!

Thanks for listening to my Random Thoughts brought to you by mimi, inc and made possible by blogger.com.


Luna said…
I love random thoughts... Hope you get out of your sugar coma soon. I think I'm finally there! Now it's time for cookies and such. Are we doomed or what?
Gigi said…
I used to have a real love/hate thing about Sunday too -- great day off, but knowing it's the last one before more work kind of ruins it. Thank goodness, I'm not working anymore! I LOVE being retired and I'm never ever bored. Hang in there -- one day you'll be an old retired knitting granny like me ;-).
And those boys -- whew -- you're realing living in a testosterone filled house aren't you?! Wears me out just thinking about it ;-).

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