Small world

I wish something funny would happen so I would have something to write about. Lately everything has been sad. Summer heat makes everyone irritable too. I hate the heat. Why do I live in the South? I guess because it is where I was born and raised and I never had enough gumption to get up and go some where else. Lazy.

I was thinking today about how small my world really is. It seems to get smaller with age. People are complicated and take a lot of energy to deal with. The more people I meet the less I like people. Now don't get me wrong, there are people I love. Just because I love them doesn't mean I have to like them.

High tech world today-it's supposed to make our world larger-internet-every body "wireless" now, funny, it is making it smaller. So small that we don't even stop to say hi to some one on the street or hand write a letter to a friend who moved far away. So small that we don't leave our back yards or invite neighbors into our yards. We would rather hop online and see who is twittering about what rather than pick up the phone and call our aging parents to see how they are doing. Nothing is quick enough for us. Faster fast food, faster internet connection, faster, faster, faster. I would like to slow down. just for awhile and be still.

Just be still.


Unknown said…
Yes, and the fast paced world leads us very easily into chaos and confusion. The chaos causes us to lump everythng in together as equally terrifying or problematic, which causes the paralyzing confusion of "what to do"?
Being still for a while is a great way to gain perspective, to compartmentalize things and see them for what they are. Work each compartment honestly, one at a time.
You might find that you have mis-labled some things as problematic which really weren't, and vice-versa.
Blasé said…
It's so hot over here, that I can't even come up with a comment!

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