Not Speaking to Mama

My 13 year old is not speaking to me, literally. He stopped yesterday around 5:45pm when I told him he had to get his hair cut. He is also grounded from X-Box because he didn't do his homework and then lied about it and said he did. His last words to me yesterday were;

"You took away my X-Box, now you're going to take away my hair too?"

How long do you think he can keep this up?? Is there a world record holder in this category?


Julie D said…
Hahahahha....I remember those days well! My son wanting to grow his hair out long, and me fighting the battle all the time. Which caused him to proclaim daily that when he turns 18 he'll be growing his hair long and he's getting punk tattoos all over his arms and stuff to piss me off. Well, he'll be 18 in two weeks, and if you've seen the pictures on my blog, he has very little hair thanks to his receding hairline! And his tattoo is going to be very simple and on the inside of his arm, and will probably be the only one he ever gets!!!

But at 13, he had a complete media ban for TV, no computer, no video games...nothing! Do you fight the "not turning in homework" issue as well????
Lost Soul said…
Lol, teenagers can be pretty stubborn. My 17 and 14 year old boys both have longish hair right now. To me it's not worth the battle. Have fun! ;-)
Shauna said…
I hear you! I have 3 teenage boys! ♥ Hugs :)
Unknown said…
Look at that face! He is still precious even though he looks ticked off.

I bet he'll be talking when it's time to eat dinner. That seems to bring out the best in a growing boy.
Hmm i lasted an entire day once... he'll give in soon enough. I learned while growing up that it's impossible to not talk to your mom for a long time
Anonymous said…
Hahahaha! Must sort of be a blessing in disguise! Lol!

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