
What do you think about this new series? Take my poll and let me know or leave me a comment!


Luna said…
I had a hard time getting into it at first. From the previews I thought it was going to be better. I think it has to do with the characters. There's not enough back story or characterization for me to like or dislike them. But after watching it last night, I've decided that I do like it and will try to give it a chance.

What about you?
Anonymous said…
I don't like it, Mimi. It's just not believable. First off, isn't that guy who plays the mad scientist the same who poured oil all over himself in Return of The King and set himself ablaze?
No American show casting a now-deceased, British-born, Shakespearian-trained actor in a leading role is ever worth it's weight in quid.
I really must get a handle on my hyphen-usage. I'm abusing the privelege again.
I have to admit some of my dissapointment may be coming from the fact that upon first hearing the title of the show I assumed it would be one of those uber-cool (oops) reality shows like that one with the hair stylists who switch salons for a week, though this one would be fashion industry based. (god, I so wanted to use a hyphen after the word fashion but I refrained).

You do, however, have to respect anyone who's smart enough to hammer and pestle their own narcotics, though, like the aforementioned now-deceased, British-born, Shakespearian-trained actor did in last nights episode . That's talent.

Just my $.02...

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