Since I am trying to write something every day (even if I have nothing to say) here is my post on Day 2 of getting back on the blog train.
Here is a brief overview of what has happened to me over this past year:
Got new boyfriend (he's a hottie)
My youngest son turned 16 - got drivers license. - a little stressful
Sent my oldest son off to college - stressful
Changes positions within my company - more stress now!
Went to N.O. for first time to see Mardi Gras
Went to Las Vegas for 2nd time - Yes both Sin Cities in the same year. I'm still trying to bath off all of the filth.
Went parasailing for the first time ever with my 16 year old son - he was braver than I!
Gained 15 more pounds
Lost 20 pounds!
Gained 20 pounds back :(
Got a new kitten - she is the devil dressed up as a kitten
Got a new hair cut
Well I guess that about sums it up. I'm sure there are some other events sprinkled in there that I have forgotten but if anything of real interest returns to my feeble old brain I will make sure and post about it! Here are some pictures to go with my timeline.
See ya tomorrow!


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