Happy Mother's Day

May her thoughtfulness not go unmentioned?
For she cares in so many ways
She works hard to seek perfection
In her home every day

She never takes time for herself
For she is to busy caring for those in need
Nurturing and comforting her children
And taking care of her responsibilities

She keeps a tidy house, cooking and cleaning
Tending to every day chores
She has many roles she plays
So she never has time to get bored....

She is a doctor when her children fall ill
Pacing back and forth with concern
Taking temperatures and serving pills....
All things she quickly learns...

She is a teacher in the evenings
Helping her children with their lessons
In between cooking dinner
And listening to their confessions....

A mother kisses away boo boo"s
And chases away fears
She is a shoulder to cry on
And in many hearts is held dear

A mother gives so much
And takes so little
Never asking for anything in return
She has a love that is unconditional
From Mothers ways.....let us learn....

Happy Mother’s Day to you all!!!!!!


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