Random, Really Random Thoughts by MiMi

I woke up this morning with a sinus headache that won't go away. It's probably due to the fact that the pets were in my bed all day yesterday because I forgot and left my bedroom door open while I was gone. I feel like I slept in a hair bowl all night.

I'm becoming addicted to facebook. It's so cool to hook up with friends you haven't seen in like, forever. Some people look exactly the same and others...well...not so much the same.

Random Inner Thoughts:

My house needs a good cleaning and I would rather burn it down than clean it today.

What can I eat for breakfast? I am so sick of oatmeal and apples. I caught myself counting with my foot against the floor this morning and showing my big buck teeth to the pets. I think I scared them off of my bed though.

It's time to get a new tinted gloss on my hair. The gray is showing again plus roots. I wasn't suppose to have a root line, the girl lied to me just to get me to try something different. Now I have tri-color hair; red, black and gray. I hate my hair. Why can't it just be naturally beautiful dark and shiny instead of looking like newspaper ink?

God, my head is killing me. I guess I should get up and take something. I would rather sit here and complain.

I wonder how thick that dust is on my TV screen. I bet I can write my name.

My coffee cup is empty. I wish somebody was here that would wait on me.

Thanks for tuning in to today's episode of Random Thoughts by MiMi.


ShanaM said…
Thanks for the comment.
Yeah, you should take something for the headache then go back to bed. It is Sunday, who cares? And if anyone does, then well....
Who cares about a clean house. Write your name in the dust, take a picture and save it for when you can't think of anything to blog about !!!
Take care
Anonymous said…
Aw! I hope your head is feeling better! I know about sleeping in a pile of pet hair all too well....blah.

Love it-would rather burn your house down than clean it! lol!
Anonymous said…
Great post! I love randomness!
michelle huey said…
My head did finally get better and I did some housework instead of burning it down. Thanks!
Luna said…
I love your random posts! Just wish you were feeling better, friend. Oh, and life is too short for dusting! That's my motto. So, yes, you can probably write your name on my t.v. as well.

Kudos on sticking to your health plan! You rock...:)

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