Tag and Award

I just received this award! Thank you Tam!! This is the first for me and I will display it with pride and affection.

After receiving the award, I remembered that I never played along when Tam tagged me for a game. I told her I would, but, being the forgetful (lazy) person I am, I never did it. I guess I really don't deserve the award (but I'm not giving it back!) but to try and make up for it, here's the 6 Random Things about me. I recently tagged some people in another game, so I don't have any fresh meat to tag. Thanks again, Tam for the tag and the award. Tam is at Yakiddy Yak Yak
Go Yak something at her!

~Rules to this Tag~

1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person know they been tagged and leave them a comment
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up

Random Things about Me:

1. I have only one dimple on my left side (face people, not butt-sheesh)
2. I like roosters-they're all over my kitchen
3. I was married for 6 months - 2nd marriage-requires a whole post of it's own.
4. I took tap and ballet for 7 years as a child
5. I wanted to be a movie star when I grew up - still working on that
6. Auditioned for a part in the Johnny Cash movie "Walk the Line" - no I didn't get the bit part, they deleted the scene anyway.


nikkicrumpet said…
OH OH OH post about the marriage lol...it's always fun to hear the disasters of others...makes me feel better about me own horrific ex hubby lol. Glad you stopped by my blog. I can tell by your sense of humor that I'm gonna like it here. And besides whoever has jilljillbobill and her sister on their blog roll must be A-OK!
Farnnay said…
Congrats on the award!
I wish we would get one :(
Moe Wanchuk said…
Hey....I wanna be a movie star too, but No One has called me yet.

I shoulda been in Dumb and Dumber
Anonymous said…
Yay to awards!

My hubby loves 'walk the line'...you'll be "famous" in his eyes!
tam said…
Hey Kiddo! Loved your random things-fun getting to know more about you! LOL! That award looks mighty fine on your blog! May You and Your Family have a Very Merry Christmas!~Smiles~Tam!

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