Just Say NO to Jingle Bells on Shoes

Here I am at the Comfort Inn on Friday night watching the CMT's Christmas Extravaganza with Larry the Cable Guy. You ask why? Well I drove down to the middle of nowhere to watch my son in a wrestling tournament. It was near Deliverance. We went to eat at Big B's Barbecue House and was annoyed the entire time by the giant jingle bells tied to our waitress' shoelaces. We cringed every time she came by and asked if we all were okay. At first I kept thinking it was my cell phone. I would check it and no missed calls! Then I thought one of those salvation army people must be outside the door. Then, finally I saw her feet and there was these huge silver balls tied to her shoes. Two over sized bells on each shoe. The sound was maddening. You can only image how ready I was to get out of there. (Besides they brought me cold cornbread) The food was mediocre at best. We did order some fried green tomatoes (no Kathy Bates did not bring them out to us nor was their a book signing table with Fanny Flag sitting there) and they were pretty good.

Back to wrestling.....

My son did very well. He won 2 matches and lost one, but put up a great fight. The ref cheated him out of 2 points. Yes he did! I am not one of those pushy loud mouth moms who thinks their child can do no wrong....well maybe I'm a little bit loud mouthed...

Oh well. I'm sleepy now and heading for bed. We have to be up early to do some more wrestling!

Note: A concern I have about this wrestling. It appears everyone on the team has to starve themselves to make their weight. I feel there is real health risk here for teenagers to be cutting weight. Has anyone else experienced something like this with your athlete?

Let me hear from you!


tam said…
My son did wrestle one year, but none of the kids in his weight class looked like they had been starving themselves. I can see where that could be a big concern if it is happening though. His coach says don't starve yourselves to get into a wieght classes because you will not have the same level of energy and can actually cost you matches instead.
I used to cringe watching my son-it was hard to see those kids basically beat the crap out of each other!
I hope you son does well-Good luck!
~Tam :D

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