Family Blending

Here is a picture from Thanksgiving that includes all of my children and grand kids. Yes, I know you are shocked and amazed. How can someone with such youthful looks possibly be a grandmother? (kidding)

Remember I told you in my post titled Step Monsters that I had 3 step children who are now grown and have kids of their own. Their dad and I had two more together but we are now divorced and both engaged to someone else. People find it amazing that we can all get together without any eye gouging or cuss fights. We have always made it about the children, not about our problems surrounding our marriage and divorce.

I had promised a follow up story to the Step Monster post. This is just a short one. I do plan to sit down and write a longer one offering my advice on "step-parenting". Not that I am expert, I have just lived it and can share with you my good and bad experiences.

That will be coming soon!


Jerri Ann said…
Wow that's a big crowd! I also wanted to remind you about my 12 Days of Christmas Give Aways

Mom~E~Centric (

Mom is Teaching (

Education Uncensored (
tam said…
Great pic and nice that you all can celebrate together!
Sister you've been tagged! Come on over to my blog and check it out!
~Tam :D
Gigi said…
Hi Mimi,

I think you're so great for managing to stay civil with your ex -- not an easy thing to do!
Great looking family too.

Ms. Latina said…
Just had to say I love the music you have on your blog. Had to leave your page open just to hear it! Esp. love O Brother where art thou. As far as the blended fam, I am the same =) Makes life easier when you let go of the anger and bitterness and try to keep the peace. In the beginning its done for the kids as time passes it becomes real =) too bad so many others haven't realized this yet

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