Paying Bills equals Dirty House

I hate cleaning my house. There I said it. I also hate cooking, exercising, and skinny people! It's hard to admit those things when you know you are suppose to take pride in some of them, but I just don't want to pretend any longer. When I was a stay at home mom I really loved doing most of those things (not exercise and I was a skinny person). I liked taking care of my house and my children. There was a lot of pride in that job and I was very good at it. Now that I have to work I can't do it all. I use to try but it's no use. I had to let things go around here.

I was recently asked by my boss what my professional career goals were. I had to think really hard because nothing was coming to me! That's when I realized that my heart was with my children and my goals lied within them. I only work to pay bills. If I didn't have to do that I would go back to being a little home maker. This question made me realize how much I missed that time in my life. Of course, reality sets in, I do have to work and I do have to be successful at my job or I'll lose it. Realizing all of that kind of made me sad. Actually it made me alot sad. I don't hate my job what I do is actually pretty fun at times and I'm good at it, but I can't say I am driven by a career goal and I want to move up that corporate ladder. God knows I don't even want to get on that ladder! I just want a job that I am not stressed out all of the time (because I'm staying pretty stressed lately) and that I do look forward to coming into everyday, have fun, affect people in a positive way and make enough money to pay my bills so that I can take care of my children. Is that too much to ask for?
Oh yeah-and a maid to keep my house clean and all of my meals cooked while I'm at work!
Me and My Boys when I was a skinny stay at home mom. We're at the beach in Gulf Shores, AL Aren't they adorable?


Whit said…
chelle...I know how you feel. I feel tremendous guilt for not being able to be home with my babies. It's just all part of the vicious cycle.
Plus if truth be known...Im really just mad at Justin for not being a millionaire!

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