Coffee and Weeds

Oh this morning was beautiful! There was a crispness to the air just before dawn and I could smell that familiar smell of Fall. It is my favorite time of the year. I love the colors-all of the tree leaves changing to shades of orange, yellow and brown-they are so vibrate. I decided to have my early morning coffee outside in this crisp, fresh air (it was so nippy that i had to take a throw comforter). I like to do this from time to time and try to capture a little bit of nature. Of course my two trusty companions, Ms. Ziggy and Ms. Kitty joined me.

I was sitting there relaxing and sipping my coffee when I noticed the flower beds. Oh God, how did they get like that? Didn't I weed, feed and put down pine straw in the spring? Why are there weeds in the beds? They stood there tall and straight eyeballing me and even mocking me! I walked over and yanked one of them out of the ground and then another one, but it was no use there were just too many of them. There's no way I could take them all on. Some of them even had deep roots! How could I sit out here and enjoy my coffee with those things starring at me? I tried to just ignore them hoping they would go away. I moved my chair into another position where I didn't have to look directly at them. But I could see them out of the corner of my eye, waving their little green hands at me. I heard one of them call me a loser. That was it! I wasn't going to take this sitting down. I went into the garage and grabbed a bottle of weed killer. I was going to show them who was boss. I sprayed two sprays and that was all there was in the bottle. Defeated again. I yanked a few more up and finally sat down determined to enjoy my cup of coffee in the early morning light. I ignored their giggles and persecution. I concentrated on the coffee and my animal friends. I knew right then and there this battle was not over, not by a long shot. As I got up to come back inside(I had to pee) I told them they may have won this battle, but the war was not over. One of them shivered a bit (I swear I think it was corn) and the rest stood still. I knew they heard me and I knew they were afraid. As I was walking inside the door, I yelled back at them...I'm going to Home Depot today...and I'll be back!


Luna said…
Oh, you are too funny! Way to show those weeds who's boss. Good luck with your garden. By the way, I have that same mug!
michelle huey said…
Ya know, I still haven't got the weed problem under control-at least not in that bed. The front yard is looking pretty good.

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