Alabama Vet Assoc. Car Tag Funds Raiser

The Alabama Veterinary Medical Foundation (ALVMF) is urging residents of Alabama to participate in its Spay-Neuter License Plate program unveiled in November of 2007.

The cost of the tag is the standard $50 like other specialized tags, with $41.25 of each sale going to the Foundation to assist low-income families with the cost of spaying and neutering their pets. 1,000 tags must be pre-sold by October 30, 2008 in order for the program to be implemented.

Hi Friends-This is an important issue within our communities. The dog and cat population is way out of control and lots of helpless animals are abandoned or abused because their owners can't take care of them. If we can help raise money to fund the programs for spay-neuter availability to lower income families, we will not only help those families-we'll help these little creatures as well. Please visit the website for Alabama Vet Assoc. But hurry it expires this October! -thanks Michelle


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